2024 Bond Project & Timeline

Project: A New gymnasium addition, upgrade security to include entry point access controls, kitchen expansion, expanding parking, and additional playground area & equipment. Click to see Pamphlet Mailer

Purpose: Our previous bond for the original construction of our school expired in January and with the passage of this bond in November 2024, the tax rate will be nearly the same or less than what has been in place since 2009. This bond will allow the district to construct an additional gymnasium with restrooms, concessions and other support areas, and make infrastructure, health and safety improvements. Additionally, the district will be upgrading and/or improving the existing gymnasium, expand and upgrade parking areas, and acquire and install needed playground equipment & create a new hard top area for play. The School Board determined that these projects were necessary to improve the athletic facilities, outdated infrastructure and safety systems.

Estimated Completion: Summer 2027

Timeline of building design & construction supported by Bond funds

Cost Information:

Additional Information:

Design Advisory Committee

  • Lisa Gredvig - Superintendent

  • Tony Silver - Director of Operations

  • Patrick Vincent - School Principal

  • Melissa Butler - P.E. Instructor/Athletic Director/ASB & Leadership advisor

  • Katie Pottenger - P.E. & Health Instructor

  • Misty Reddick - Head Cook

  • Marisela Solis - Community Member & UGS Parent

  • Brent Harding & Kelly Hendrickson of NAC Architecture

Previous Bond Projects