Cost Information:
No more than $11,894,500 for the total project
Taxes will be collected over a period of no more than 20 years
Tax rate will be $1.10 per $1000 of assessed value
Example cost for a $235,000 home/property would be $21.58 per month
Additional Information:
Bond Resolution approved - 6/18/2024
Appointment of For/Against Committee members - (6/18/2024)
Original Bond Planning Presentation for Community - 10/27/2021
Design Advisory Committee
Lisa Gredvig - Superintendent
Tony Silver - Director of Operations
Patrick Vincent - School Principal
Melissa Butler - P.E. Instructor/Athletic Director/ASB & Leadership advisor
Katie Pottenger - P.E. & Health Instructor
Misty Reddick - Head Cook
Marisela Solis - Community Member & UGS Parent
Brent Harding & Kelly Hendrickson of NAC Architecture