School resumes January 7th! See you then.
Band Concert Tonight! 6:30 pm in the multi-purpose room.
No School Monday for Veteran's Day
Por favor note que vendemos prendas de vestir del uniforme escolar a un costo. Nosotros sumamos el costo que pagamos por los artículos, junto con estampilla, y después lo redondeamos al dólar más cercano. Las prendas de vestir de los uniformes no son una recaudación de fondos para el distrito escolar.
Please note that we sell school uniform apparel at cost. We add the cost we pay for the items, along with postage, and then round the overall cost to the nearest dollar. School uniform apparel is not a fundraiser for the school district.
The Union Gap School District recently received the 2016 Washington Achievement Award, which is sponsored by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and by the Washington State Board of Education.
Our District is seeking applications from qualified individuals to fill the vacant school board director position for District #1.